Free VST3/AU Plugins

Five Odd Bass Sounds

Demo of five unusual bass tones I created using five different free Witch Pig FX plugins.
The plugins featured are SPX Nevermore, Angel Dust, Medusa, Black Mirror Reverb, and Guillotine.

Free Kontakt Instrument


A dark, distorted, and irredeemably corrupted sample library. Ideal for horror themed ambiances and gothic industrial soundtracks.

Free Kontakt Instrument

Mega Midi Mapper

A new utility tool for mapping one format of MIDI to another. Used for converting drum MIDI created in one format to another but also as a creative tool.

Free Kontakt Instrument


Sounds nothing like the 7 string guitar it was sampled from. Click on the outer spheres to select the FX chains, and on R or F to choose the rear or front pickups.

Free Kontakt Instrument

Ambient Axe

Each ambient preset has been sampled from both the rear and front EMG pickups of a Schecter seven string guitar, giving a total of 18 sound options.

Free VST3/AU Plugin

Multi-FX Slicer

Guillotine chops up segments of audio in sync with the BPM of the track. Up to 32 divisions can then be modulated, bitcrushed, distorted, or simply silenced.